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Zamnesia Grow Kit 'McKennaii'

 4.5/5 (593)

    Really fast shipment, packed in a professional way...First flush done, amazing trips... Most of the mushrooms grew on the borders but that was my mistake with the light... Definitely buying again! I recommend

    F. D.

    MC kennai culture
    Super bien demarré, barquette pleine de petit qui ont malheureusement stoppé leurs croissances, du je pense à un coup de chaud, bref, un peu de ma faute, mais j,attends avec impatience la sortie du 2eme flush...

    S. G.

    Trip Virgin
    Managed to get 4 flushes (hopeful for a 5th but unlikely) I was a shroom virgin and started low 2mg dried then 3 nothing until I got to 4mg and had a beautiful experience! I had my kit on a heatpad first flush took a while nearly lost hope but then I was getting quick flushes that would be ready after 2/3 days. Grows quick like bamboo once they get started! Enjoy!

    C. M.

    Bad customer service
    Sent a cracked box wouldn’t send replacement

    A. I.

    Cold weather killed it
    Grew great despite harsh cold, managed to get one flush before it grew mold and had to be destroyed. Those that grew hit well

    T. F.

    Freunde Top, bei mir Flop
    Freunde von mir haben mit diesem Set easy Pilze züchten können, in meiner Wohnung war's etwas zu kalt, probier es aber nochmal

    M. L.

    Great grow kit
    I have had many different flushes over the years and Zamnesia's kit always seem to produce more robust and reliable flushes. As for the McKennai, take it easy there is a reason these are so loved by phyconaughts

    H. D.

    kit molto buono
    mi sono trovata sempre bene, quando mi hanno inviato un kit fallato, il giorno dopo aver contattato il supporto me ne hanno inviato uno nuovo

    A. T.

    Kit power
    Da psiconauta abbastanza esperto ho trovato il prodotto molto valido, un trip inteso anche a un dosaggio medio consigliato

    D. C.

    Ordentlich sag ich nur!
    Die wachsen wirklich wie wild! Jetzt schon der 4. Schub!

    M. H.

    Bien respecté les températures de culture attention s'il fait trop chaud on était chez vous.

    G. D.

    Ancora da provare
    ho avuto un problema col primo kit, super disponibili me ne hanno mandato uno nuovo gratuitamente

    S. C.

    Alors la on est quand même sur du level c'est vraiment très bon et très efficace...c'est ma drogue préférée ...en micro-dosage pour un effet léger ,en dose normale pour les concerts ou élevée pour partir en voyage c'est le kif à chaque prise . Seul bémol le dernier kit n'as pas fonctionné je suis toujours dans l'attente que ça pousse mais je viens de porter réclamation et maintenant j'attends leur ré vais voir comment se passe le service après vente !!!.

    S. D.

    Meilleur kit
    Celui qui fonctionne le plus à mon sens jusqu'à présent. Première récolte légère mais la seconde pousse plus en quantité. Je compte bien reprendre ce kit ! :D merci livraison rapide et sav nickel

    E. G.

    4 étoile le kit n'a pas fonctionné mais l'équipe de service client a été très réactive et super . Je commanderai un moins fragile la prochaine fois.

    P. B.

    Gaat aardig tot nu toe
    Tot nu toe 100 gram geoogst, omdat de ontwikkeling onderling nogal varieerde heb ik ervoor gekozen om gefaseerd te oogsten ipv een hele flush. Er zit nu wel een mooie flush aan te komen. Ik heb ze nog niet getest, maar de blauwe verkleuring belooft een mooie potentie. Toplaag van vermiculiet vind ik een nadeel, blijft plakken aan de paddo's en moeilijk af te spoelen. Al met al ben ik tevreden.

    T. C.

    Very Satisfied
    2nd kit I have bought. Two big flushes from the first one. On the 2nd one, the first flush is starting to yield massively. Would definitely recommend!

    K. H.

    First timer
    It was doing this got two flushes from the kit and not a bad quantity for this, found their site useful on what to do and learned a few thing on what to do and what not to do for next time, and there will be a next. At first nothing was happening but with a bit of patience and TLC The mushrooms started coming through. The effects from this were a great trip. Will definitely be buying again

    C. M.

    Super! 10+
    First time grower, il prodotto è molto buono, e l'assistenza clienti è davvero eccezionale. CONSIGLIO: se non abiti in un posto in cui ci son 28 gradi tutto l'anno, aspetta l'estate per comprare questo kit, dato che LA TEMPERATURA GIUSTA è FONDAMENTALE. Sul serio, lascia stare i forum Reddit: se il tuo kit non cresce è perché la temperatura è troppo bassa. Inoltre, consiglio di leggere bene le istruzioni perché questo kit richiede DELLE CURE DIVERSE rispetto alla maggior parte dei kit. Non tormentare il tuo kit con bubble tek, con acqua ossigenata, con uno spruzzino ecc, NON SERVE, queste cose sono per metodi di coltura DIVERSI da questo. è un PRODOTTO OTTIMO, il mio ha prodotto tantissimo, è molto resistente a manipolazioni contaminazioni freddo ecc. anche se non è stato nelle condizioni ottimali per molto tempo non si è rovinato. Lo ricomprerò sicuramente. Voto complessivo 10+

    I. S.

    Le meilleur service après-vente!
    Merci pour tout Zamnesia, super produit et merci encore pour l'envoi d'une nouvelle barquette, vous êtes au top!

    J. H.

    Be patient
    Postage to UK quick: arrived in 7 days. Used good hygiene: gloves, mask etc. only started using heat Matt when first pins started showing (just because growth was slow so bought it and it arrived then) No signs until day 7 very light mycelium patches, barely visible. Did increase slowly overtime but not thick or very visible still. So maybe expect this and be patient that mushrooms will grow eve without much mycelium. Day 12 first pins. Then continued to get more from there. Day 18 harvested half. Other half Next day 19. Mushrooms seemed to have stunted growth. First flush Dry grams: 9.54grams cracker dry. Small, hoping second flush will be bigger. The key is patience with this kit. Overall happy. Haven’t taken yet so can’t give a trip report. Started second flush couple days ago! 4/5 because haven’t taken yet and don’t know how many flushes will get and grams etc.

    H. L.

    strong and many doses
    It is probably one of the strongest cubensis u can try. Overdoing it can lead to a lot of negative states but taking it in the right doses can give euphoria and calmness.

    G. T.

    bonjours à tout les fans de mycélium, cette fois ci,mon kit Mc Kennaii a eu du mal à démarrer environ 1mois . Cependant, après l angoisse de ne rien récolter les premières têtes d'épingles sont apparues,et maintenant prolifèrent plus que les derniers. Donc ,je recommande fortement Zamnesia à tous ceux et toutes celles qui aiment voyager par delà les barrières de notre psyché

    A. M.

    Buon servizio
    Buon servizio, il pacco è arrivato un giorno prima della data pronosticata. Nulla da eccepire, prodotto di qualità!

    S. M.

    Just follow the steps and you will succeed
    So, this is my first time doing it alone,and first time means still learning a lot! I love the customer support service, they are amazing helpful with their support,I failed my first attempt going with a fresh mushroom kit mc kennaii,so they gave me a voucher to buy a replacement. So I went for a zamnesia grow kit because had a lot of success with the GT kit in November, so why not just stick to the same to get to succeed again?! For some reason the bag leaked one day, may be the cat that went by it,as it stood in one of the stair shelf on the wall. When this happened,i had finished arranged a self made fruiting chamber and installed a daylight bulb set on timer in a another small closet room, so I was planning to set the kit when ready to fruit in there ,it was right before pinning,so I got worried for contam when suddenly needed to get the kit from the leaking bag into the chamber,all of a sudden. But it went well, the support gave me reassurance,and contacted me days after to check in. And it all went well. BUT i struggled som days having steady temperature in the beginning,so the colonising was slow,and many premature going into fruiting,but it went into pinning within 36 hours, so no contam, and everything good I guess. One thing that was conserning me, was I think I had to much water covering the bottom of the chamber. Making it to high humidity for good fruiting. The first fruits that got their veil teared,were very small . And I noticed,after extracting excess water in the chamber,the fruit bodies that are showing today are more good looking and as they should be , as the humidity has been drastically been changed over the couple 3 day's. In the start the lid had huge drops,now it's only tiny tiny mist drops, and it seems I got the right environment to have more dense and bigger fruitbodies growing.looking good now, at the end of the first flush. I've been harvesting them carefully picked those that stand together and letting the immature ones stay for longer, that has worked well, as long I don't touch the ones I leave ,and go very ,very ,very carefully twisting them of. I pick immature ones that are getting touched when picking those that are ready. So far this has worked fine , as it hasn't grown evenly first flush, and it would be stupid to pick all in one's when the first was tearing her veil. So I'm happy, making the experience on when you follow the steps,and don't use more water than told, it will be a successful growing love it. Looking forward to the next upcoming flushes,it looks like those will be surprisingly good and better than the first

    M. .

    much better than the fresh mushrooms grow kit
    don't bother with the "ready to grow" ones, this kit has already provided me a fruitful second flush

    A. K.

    3 üppige Schübe und spektakuläres Bildmaterial, danke ZamnesiA für die Reisen in die Anderwelt

    A. A.

    La paciencia es amarga pero su fruto es dulce
    Mi primer kit de funghi, las primeras dos semanas pensé q algo hacia mal... cuando vi el primer ojito q empezó a volverce un alfilercito y verlos crecer y salir es una linda sensación... Y a la 3a semana y ve una comunidad prospera...solo no se exactamente cuando poder cosecharlos porque no veo una forma de sombrilla soy un caparazón n de tortuguita así q es difícil ver la capa q se quiebra... Aparte q uno se afeccióna al verlos. Así de grandecitos hehehe. No veo la hora de probarlos

    A. B.

    Fast growing with a heat mat
    It took just one week after soaking to get the first pins and then another week for the veil to break. It was my first grow kit, so I didn't know what to expect, yet the growth speed was, in my opinion, really fast. 177g of fresh harvest the first time, and the second flush is underway. Maybe it's beginner's luck, but I would probably buy another or two of those, as it is effortless to grow.

    Y. O.

    Great yield, very happy

    E. K.

    First yield was great with over 100g+ but afterwards the mycelium seemed to concentrate into one big mushroom for the next 4-5 flushes.

    F. M.

    works good!
    Shrooms start to grow after 3 weeeks. Everything works :)

    A. J.

    Merci zamnesia
    Après un kit défectueux merci de m'en avoir renvoyé un aussitôt J en suis a mon deuxième flush hâte de voir ce que ça va donner . Pour le premier flush 120g frais pas trop mal malgré qu'ils ont poussés surtout sur les côtés

    H. L.

    vite fait bien fait
    tip top 3 flush belle prod rapid sav au top merci

    N. P.

    Great product
    Great product, nothign to complain

    A. E.

    Not good as expected but good anyway
    I followed the instructions and I did my best to grow the mushys and they did grow, but not as big as in the picture, and the effect was not as powerful as I was expecting (I took more than 5g). However, I believe this is not Zamnesia fault at all, probably just the winter conditions these days (very few sunny days) did not help. Zamnesia made a great job sending the product asap and providing clear instructions and material to grow the mushrooms, so I am definitely buying from them again another growth kit!

    R. G.

    Works well
    In the first harvest, only one I gave a good harvest, which faded quite quickly in the following harvest. Two more boxes I gave bad results in the first harvest, but the following harvests were much better.

    O. E.

    It's growing
    It has arrived in a timely fashion and its growing :) I will try a different type if all goes well, see you soon.

    G. B.

    Alles bestens
    Nach zwei Wochen die ersten Köpfchen, zwar deutlich kleiner als auf dem Foto von Zamnesia, aber reichhaltig und einfach schön...bin jetzt am zweiten flush und hoffe noch auf weitere... Super Kundendienst, Set war eine Ersatzlieferung. Danke

    T. W.

    Super trip
    Ils poussent très bien, 3 cultures ont été possible sur une box, de plus le trip était puissant avec seulement 1,4

    S. M.

    Really strong and super easy to grow!

    P. A.

    Au top
    Ma meilleure session champi!! Meilleurs résultats qu’avec Fresh Mushroom! Encore merci Zamnesia!

    A. B.

    Magnífica atención al cliente
    Cometí un error en el proceso de cultivo, por seguir los pasos que doy para otro tipo de kit, y tuvieron la amabilidad de mandarme uno nuevo después de explicarles el problema.

    A. G.

    Great experience!
    I had a misfortune because the package was damaged during shipping. Got a very small yield on the first flush because the container broke and was contaminated... now I'm waiting for the second one. I do have to say that what little I got was amazing, and I can't wait to get more. I had ordered before, and will definitely order again. The Zamnesia guys took care of me. Superb product and service! Just make sure you follow the instructions.

    R. B.

    Super service
    Livraison rapide, produits tops .. super qualité !

    T. R.

    Mckennaii paddenstoel kweekset
    Deze kweekset is relatief eenvoudig op te volgen, alleen krijg je er geen instructies bij. Gelukkig kan je dat op youtube wel vinden, de opbrengst is wel relatief weinig voor het geld, ik ben er niet in geslaagd om de hoeveelheiden te behalen die je op het internet leest. Wel genoeg voor 2 heroic doses, en die mooie ervaringen maken dat het voor mij zijn prijs wel waard was.

    D. C.

    Siempre fiables
    Buena cosecha, buena potencia... Tiene lo que tiene que tener.

    J. M.

    Terrance McKennai strain is a very colourful and intense mushroom. Probably one of the strongest Cubensis within Zamnesia. Since starting ordering kits from Zamnesia in 2014, this has been my general go to strain for both potency and general all round mushroom for pure joy and self reflection. Also very easy to grow. Amazing mushrooms amazing customer service.

    J. L.

    De la balle.
    7flush au total... Rien à dire. Top qualite

    D. R.

    Excellent customer services
    I don’t believe I have ever come across a company with such good customer services. Zamnesia followed up to see how I got on with my grow kit and they offered a generous solution when it had been unsuccessful. Many thanks.

    N. L.
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