Supa Gro Kit 100% 'B+'
Psilocybe cubensis "B+" is een zeer populaire paddo soort vanwege de mooie vruchten die wel 30 cm kunnen worden. Deze Supa Gro kits produceren meerdere flushes en je hebt alleen geduld nodig. De kweekset bevat 1200 ml van spore-geĆÆnoculeerd substraat.
Koop 3 stuks | 5% Korting |
Koop 5 stuks | 10% Korting |
Supa Gro Kit 100% "B+": B Positief is alles wat je nodig hebt
Psilocybe cubensis "B +" is een paddo soort die mooie vrucht lichamen produceert, waarvan de grootte kan oplopen tot 30 cm. Een andere reden voor de populariteit van dit paddo ras is dat de voorkomende misselijkheid aan het begin van de trip minder uitgesproken is dan bij andere soorten. "B+" is de perfect passende naam voor deze soort, je zal zeker positief zijn. Deze Supa-Gro kits bevatten een 1200ml bouwsteen van 100% myceliumĀ substraat en produceren een veelheid van flushes. Als je het niet verknalt, zie je minstens 5 flushes.
Supa Gro paddo kweeksets worden door deskundige mycologen gekweekt en bevatten een supergezond mycelium.Ā
De set bevat
- 1200ml Grow kit
- Filterzak
Volume | 1200ML |
Merk | Supa Gro |
Strain | B+ |
Aanvullende informatie over dit product:
Top Produkt
Hat wie versprochen zu 100% geklappt und war sehr pflegeleicht
War komplett kolonisiert und hat nach wenigen Tagen die ersten Pins gebildet
Immernoch Zufrieden!
Kam wiedermals schnell an mit allem was man braucht & schon ganz vorbereitet.
Immer wieder gerneš«”
No growth
Unfortunately nothing really grew in the Grow Kit. Very tiny pins (2-3 millimeters) appeared after 2 weeks at some spots, but ended up not growing anymore since then. It's been 4 weeks already. Nothing changed about the conditions either, so no yield :(
Supa Gro Kit 100% 'B+'
Arrivati in fretta
Muy muy bueno
Muy faciles de cultivar y mucha produccion, eso si, tienes que seguir bien los pasos
Super interessant
Prima volta
Non mi ero mai cimentato nella coltivazione di funghi, ho seguito tutti i passaggi alla lettera, ora stanno uscendo, vedremo come andrĆ e come sarĆ il risultato finale, sono sicuro dei prodotti zamnesia sulla cannabis, i kit per funghi saranno della stessa qualitĆ dei loro prodotti!
B+ super grow
First try was a success. I'm very happy with this product.
nice shop
Super grow
The kit arrived in great time fully colonised and ready to go
Hi, wie entferne ich die Pilze, die in das Substrat reingewachsen sind am besten? Danke im vorraus :)
This happens more often since mushrooms grow every way they can. The best thing is to wait until you start harvesting. As soon as you make your harvest you take out the cake from its plastic container. Please make sure you do this sterile and with care. When you've taken out the cake you carefully take off the mushrooms from the side and make sure you get everything of the mushroom so nothing is left. After this you put the cake back in it's container and you start the grow process from step one again. If you have any further questions please let us know. We're here to help.
Did you now how much mushroom we need to eat for a standard trip and a strong trip ? i want to now that for to have a good trip :-)
While the recommended dose for mushrooms is dependent on many factors, general consensus is 15 to 30 grams of fresh mushrooms and 1.5 - 3.5 grams dried (due to the weight loss incurred during drying). This of course depends on the type of mushrooms. For the stronger mushrooms a lower dose is recommended.
how long can be stored the unopened package?
Mushrooms are very robust creatures, but we highly recommend to start the growing process instantly after receiving your kit. If you need to store a kit, you can put it in the refrigerator - at 3-5°C the box will be preserved for at least 6 weeks. Important: store the box in an air sealed plastic bag to prevent contamination.
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