Alle reviews

Supa Gro Kit 100% 'McKennaii'

 4/5 (712)

    Bad Batch
    I got myself 2 boxes and both performed awful. First box got some shrooms but the yield was very very low, the second box was contaminated. This batch was a waste of money.

    G. Z.

    Mala experiencia
    Es la segunda vez que me sucede, compro dos kits, uno funciona y el otro nunca próspera. Se quedan en abortos. La primera vez no comenté nada negativo pero son casi 100€ tirados a las basura. Me gustaría recibir un reembolso

    M. N.

    Nichts geworden...
    Leider ist aus diesem Zuchtset nicht ein Pilz zum ernten gewachsen... Ich habe die Anleitung Punkt für Punkt bevolgt und auf alles wie die Hygiene, Licht, Lüftung und frisches Wasser geachtet. Schade...

    F. R.

    BAD PRODUCT - Only 4 Mushrooms
    I did everything as instructed - only 4 Mushrooms. No 2nd flush at al.

    B. S.

    Boxe contaminée
    J’ai reçu la boxe avec les champignons moisis j’ai quand même essayé de la cultivée même si je savais qu’elle était déjà contaminée car j’en ai déjà eu plusieurs avant. Bien sûr elle n’a jamais rien donnée. Ce n’est pas la première fois que j’ai une boxe déjà contaminée…

    E. B.

    Avoid this batch
    Loads of aborts and only had 30g fresh of 40mm high shrooms , my friend has had the same problem with these . Something wrong with this batch . Not good . Avoid

    A. W.

    Very good
    Decent yield (170g) fresh and hassle free maintenance. The effects are strong both mentally as visually.

    H. E.

    Problèmes de mouches pour les fruits
    C'est vraiment pas si malin que ça les trous dans le plastic, les mouches de fruits y vont et finissent par pourrir tout la récolte. En lisant les autres commentaires, je me rend compte que je ne suis pas le seul

    V. A.

    Minimal Ernte
    Nach 4 Wochen erste Pins (warten lohnt sich), aber nur minimale Produktion. Erste Ernte bei ca. 5 gr. Mal schauen, ob beim zweiten flush mehr kommt.....

    G. B.

    Didn't work, but my fault i think
    i tried to grow Mckennaii but it didn't work, i think the box had already fruited when it got to me, but i didn't take any pictures or anything so once again my own fault , also ordered b+ and it all worked well, going to buy another box and ill leave another review if it works.

    J. R.

    Grow kits often are contaminated / Customer service is good tho
    Grow kits preformed really poorly. I've been buying from zamnesia since 3 years and very often happens that grow kits are contaminated. Each time I buy few boxes, half of them doesn't perform at all. Shrooms grow tiny and aborted. The other half perform just fine. I grew them in a perfect condition, in a special tent with shroom lamps and heating mats. Fallowing any instructions given at the website, yet it's not enough. Customer service however is very good and supplier really care about a client.

    M. M.

    Just buy a different kit
    This kit has a bag with holes in it. It was confusing at first but I went with it. Eventually, these holes allowed some insects to get inside, and the mushrooms rotted. Wouldn't really recommend. If you decide to buy anyway, probably put a tape over the holes.

    V. K.

    Warte seit Ende Mai
    Hab mir das Paket geholt und gedacht es geht wirklich auch 3 Wochen jetzt sind aber schon 5 Wochen vorbei und nichts tut sich keine Pilze nichts. Dabei habe ich schon so oft ein Zuchtset geholt und alles war super. Nur dieses Mal nicht werd das nicht mehr holen

    C. B.

    Box infette
    Per la prima volta ho ricevuto una box infetta da Zamnesia… ho ordinato tante volte ma è la prima che la box è arrivata rotta e mal trattata dai corrieri… ho contattato Zamnesia e in pochissimo tempo ( qualche gg) mi hanno rimborsato e sono stato super disponibili! Servizio eccezionale, come sempre i numeri 1!

    E. A.

    Comme beaucoup de gens ici, mes kits sont arrivés très certainement deja contaminés. 2 des mes 4 box sont HS dès le jour 2, a voir pour les autres... (L'erreur peut être humaine, mais m'occupant de toutes mes box en même temps elles devraient être toutes contaminées si la faute venait de moi). J'ai déjà eu des problèmes avec les box supa gro par le passé, l'appât des soldes m'a fait refaire la même erreur... Privilégiez les box Zamnesia, quitte à payer plus cher vous aurez de meilleurs rendements et beaucoup moins de problèmes.

    I. P.

    J’ai du merder quelque part parce que aucune récolte… zéro champignons….. pourtant aucune contamination…….: Je m’interroge

    N. M.

    Good kit
    I had a good yield but through my own lack of experience I messed up multiple flushes. Customer service and delivery excellent as always

    M. O.

    Fly explosion- Supa grow kit
    I don't know could have been my fault but never had flies before and this one just didn't work out. Pinned then flies and rot. The Supa is not on my favorites list. No problem with the Zamnesia Grow kits, I will stick with them. Great service though regardless of my potential failings.

    J. D.

    Supra gro kit mackennaii
    Aucun soucis avec l'envoie du colis, un bon bon marketing chez Zamnesia mais les promesses ne sont pas au rendez-vous !, les instructions sont bien suivis et les premières aparitions de taches moisissure grise aparaissent au bout d'une semaine, donc je pense que le kit est déja contaminé par avance, ensuite les mosissures prennent de l'ampleur, au bout de 4 semaine 2 semblants de champis aparaissent et puis rien. C'est donc une belle et chère déception pour ce genre de produit que je déconseille mais si vous avez du temps et de l'argent à perdre vous pouvez tenter l'experience come au loto comptez uniquement sur la chance! peut-être...

    P. M.

    Didn't worked!
    I did everything what in Guidelines was and after first mushroom heads its stoped working .

    A. M.

    Super cool!
    Voll schön gemacht! Ich hab es nur nicht so gut hingekriegt, aber sollte vielleicht auch mal ne Anfängersorte nehmen :D immer wieder gern!

    O. G.

    Lovely long term effects
    Shrooms are amazing and I was not expecting these to be so therapeutic, I am not new to psilocybin and these really helped me. While on them I could not understand how I was ever sad in the first place, these are lovely

    W. T.

    Impiega qualche giorno in più rispetto agli altri kit ma ha una resa eccezionale a mio avviso il migliore della categoria

    S. A.

    1 week then pinning 5 days later I harvested
    Everything went well with this box no complaints

    J. T.

    Didnt grow but my fault.
    I failed them this time with two sets. It was my bad bcz i thought they could deal with february weather in germany. But no, they needed higher temperatures.

    S. B.

    Thank you for the follow up!
    The Support Team offered a replacement item and I can confirm the new kit worked as expected! Thank you for the excellent service!

    J. F.

    Pleased overall !!
    I’m pleased overall by the service of the zamnesia team. They told me even that my order was taking a bit longer than usual but they send me every day an update and it only took 2 days more. The product is perfect works like it should work and my first flush was awesome. Waiting now for the second. Thanks you zami

    M. W.

    After three weeks of daily care, nothing
    A few pinheads appeared, but the growth does not continue, there are some white growths, I don't know if it is mold, but this is the umpteenth time since I bought the kit and nothing has grown. My friend also bought and nothing. So I probably won't be buying anything here anymore. I would like a refund or a new kit.

    P. S.

    unlucky but..
    i got unlucky since my kit didnt give me much shrooms (around 70g wet after 2 flushes) but the support did sent me a new one which will hopefully be better. First flush was around 50g and i ate all of it which was awesome, ive seen so much stuff going on in my mind (dmt like state). Highly recommend doing shrooms in a dark room without music, just lay down and watch the 10d movie your mind offers you. Second flush gave me 20g wet and after that one my cake got contaminated unfortunately. Now im waiting for my second kit and hope i will be able to take my first heroic dose with it. Totally worth it, very good support.

    L. S.

    Quick and efficient service. They popped up in just over 3 weeks

    B. M.

    Provided the instructions from the manual are followed these will yield good results, the delivery was problematic on one of 2 boxes I ordered for the plastic container had a big tear in it. That being said I have ordered kits from this site around 8 times and this was the first order with any issues - overall good fruit yields still 8/10

    S. P.

    zamnesia a su trouver une solution
    zamnesia a su trouver une solution et je suis complètement satisfait. Merci à zamnesia pour son professionnalisme

    G. R.

    Cette fois ci, récolte très pauvre ! Pas de chance
    Cela fait déjà quelques années que je commande mes pains de champignons SUPA GRO KIT 'MCKENNAII' chez vous. Jamais été déçu, auparavant.. toujours pu refaire plusieurs sessions bien garnie. Sauf cette année, ma boxe a donnée qu'une seule récolte.. très légère.. 19gr une fois séchés. Pourtant bien suivi le process "re-hydratation" frigo comme d'habitude.. mais la deuxième ne s'est pas faite Suffisant pour une bonne session treap avec des amis.. Ça reste une très bonne souche de champignons Connaissant le produit et les effets .. on ca dire que c'est un manque de chance pour cette année

    P. F.

    Supa Gro gar nicht so super
    Beim ersten Schub 110g frische Pilze, aber nun passiert nicht mehr viel. Bin enttäuscht, nur ein Schub. Die zamnesia zuchtsets sind definitiv besser. Supa Gro werde ich nicht mehr bestellen

    H. R.

    Waiting patiently for 3 weeks and the pins appeared was so happy to see that and know its not long until harvest although after a week they have not moved much is this common

    A. G.

    Great Service
    Following a little difficulty with my first order Zamnesia were quickly on hand with back up to ease my journey into achieving great results and would recommend this kit to all.

    M. B.

    Erste Pins
    Wenn die ersten Pins erschienen sind, soll man weiterhin morgens und abends lüften und das innere des Bags besprühen ?

    L. D.

    Problem with supagrow resolved quickly
    Unfortunately I had a double fail on the supagrow kits, I contacted support who have been more than marvelous, there support and customer services have been top notch and my items have been replaced at super quick speed. Thanks Zamnesia. All other products I have recieved from zamnesia have been perfect.

    P. W.

    received a defective kit but got help right away
    Sadly, my kit was defective, as after 3 weeks there was only one pin :( Luckily the support got back to me within a day and I received the option to choose between a voucher and a kit immediately. As I won't be home for some time now, I chose the voucher. Once the next grow kit arrives I'll update this review or write a new one :)

    S. P.

    :-) :-) :-) Like it very much! :-) :-) :-)
    Handling of the kit is easy and practicable, thanks to the good description here on Zamnesia... Made two fine flushes without contamination. The trip is nice and visual, and can be quite strong - what really amazes me! I am very happy with the product!! :-) :-) :-) Keep up the good work! Blessings, Chris

    C. P.

    Great product and customer service
    I have had a great experience with Zamnesia, the first batch I tried was not growing well so I contacted the customer service team and they were extremely helpful and supportive in helping me with my questions and in the end sent me a new grow kit free of charge. Highly recommended buying your grow kit here!

    T. L.

    Very good

    D. B.

    Love this kit thank you

    L. G.

    Le service après vente
    Après avoir eu un kit non fonctionnel zamnesia me re envoie un kit avec livraison gratuite on verra ce que sa donne merci au service après ventes

    C. M.

    Best strain i ever had
    Also supa also fresh mushrooms mckennaii strain blew my mind.

    I. P.

    Good enough

    R. C.

    Just not Good but little
    The grow kit give me 20grams dried first flush now i waiting abaut 3 weeks but this maybe die or somethings shit...

    N. L.

    Nach 1 Woche erscheinen erste Köpfe
    Bisher läuft es super,nach 1 Woche erste Pilze zu sehen,hoffe die sind so gut wie beschrieben und auf einige reiche Ernten,bin auf jeden Fall schon mal positiv überrascht, top

    K. P.

    Top Deal!!!
    Got first harvest in 12days, second in 7days and third is on its way 🤙 Took heroic dose - could not handle yet Very apply🤙🤙🤙

    M. J.

    Top Notch
    Not fully fruited, this is my first shroom grow and the instructions was easy to follow and the fruiting has begun did take about a month longer than stated but for anyone who is into mycology knows it’s nothing but a waiting game

    M. T.
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